Post Bobcat Life

After BHS

Approximately 50% to 60% of the graduates leaving Boron High School will enter college for additional studies. Another 5% will enter a variety of vocational or technical schools, and another 10% will enter the military for technical training and service. Of the remaining 25%, most will join the work force either within the area or the state. Whatever their choice, Boron High School students are encouraged to develop a rigorous four-year plan that will give them the academic background, training, and work habits that will allow them to successfully pursue their goals after Boron High.

The Guidance Office keeps a variety of college and career planning resources and tools to assist students in developing their four-year plans. The latest version of the computer-based Eureka Career and College Information System housed in the Career Center assists students in identifying and researching possible careers and colleges. A variety of catalogs, videotapes and computer programs are also available to assist students with test preparation, college selection, and financial aid. These resources are not only available to the student, but parents are also welcome.

Male students who have reached their eighteenth birthday must register with the Selective Service. Many financial aid programs require selective service registration to qualify for consideration, especially the Pell and Cal Grants. The Guidance Counselor, will take care of registration or there is now registration available online .

The rapid growth of the internet offers students and parents a wealth of information about careers, colleges, vocational training, financial aid, and the military. Some of the better sources of information are listed below by category.

Career/Vocational   Colleges and Universities   Financial Aid -   Military

Career /Vocational

Occupational Outlook Handbook -resource for researching occupations.

Career Magazine - Career information in magazine form.

Eureka - -career information system complete software program available in the Guidance Office Career Center.

Job Guide - internet career planning activities and career information.

Job Smart - California job search guide with salary comparisons.

Military Career Guide - describes military career opportunities.

Colleges and Universities

California State Universities Mentor -provides information you need to know about the California State University system including on line application and sending it to the campus of your choice.

University of California Pathways - everything you need to know about applying to the University of California system.

College NET - a guide to colleges and universities.

College View - college and university information.

Eureka - college and university information with access to college's home pages.

Peterson's College Guide - Peterson's college search and information.

College Board - a comprehensive site that provides information about colleges and universities.

American College Testing - information about tests and colleges.

Christian Colleges and Universities - provides information to help you choose the right Christian college or university.

Fish Net - excellent resource in a teen magazine format.

US News and World Report College Ranking - find the best colleges or universities in education.

Financial Aid

The cost of attending college is getting more expensive every year. Grant and scholarship programs are available to help families with college costs, and a partial list of resources available follows.

A large portion of the available financial aid for college and vocational training comes from federal and state governments. To qualify for this aid, the first step is to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in January of the senior year. The Guidance Office maintains information and applications for federal and State of California financial aid programs. Some states and colleges may require additional applications and information, so you should contact those programs early in the application process. The Guidance Office will conduct a workshop with this year's senior in early January at which time they will complete the FAFSA, all except the financial page. The FAFSA form will need to be brought home and the financial page completed by both the student and parent before mailing. To compete for State of California programs, the form must be mailed before March 2, 2016 or completed online and submitted electronically.

California Student Aid Commission - Cal Grant information.

CollegeNET - information about financial aid and scholarships.

Completing the FAFSA - instructions for completing the FAFSA.

CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE -many private colleges and universities require this form be submitted in addition to the FAFSA.

Department of Education - information about federal student aid.

FAFSA Express - download FAFSA express software to fill out the FAFSA application on your computer.

FAFSA Online - complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on line and submit electronically.

FastWEB - allows free computer search of more than 275,000 scholarships.

FinAid - financial aid information page.

Financial Aid Calculator - College Board's expected family contribution calculator.

IRS Web Site - information on the Hope and Lifetime Learning tax credits.

Sallie Mae - gives information on student loans.

Student Guide - everything you need to know about financial aid.


Army National Guard

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Coast Guard

U.S. Marines

U.S. Navy