Student Commitment and Information


1. Be committed to your education, to your school, to your family, to your goals.
2. Be responsible for your actions, your education, your future.
3. Be respectful to your fellow students, staff, visitors, athletic and academic competitors.
4. Show integrity in all that you do - be honest, kind and ethical.


We take every opportunity to recognize and honor outstanding students in all fields. We do this by:

Academic Awards Banquet
At the end of each year we hold our annual academic awards banquet. At this banquet we honor approximately 100 students. It is the major event of the year attended by students, parents and community members. Awards are given out in the following categories: Academics, School Spirit, and Volunteerism.

Athletic Awards Banquet
At the end of each year we hold our annual academic awards banquet. It is the major event of the year attended by students, parents and community members. Team coaches will contact participants with additional information.


The state of California and Boron High School would like to encourage our young people to vote! Because printing and mailing costs have increased the state of California has created a web-link to give you access to voter registration forms 24 hours a day.
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